We have a second story! This view is looking up at the two bedrooms and one bathroom. The hallway in the middle will be the access from the stairs coming up from the right.

Below shows the loft view. The two columns and the pony wall on the right will be the a.c. chases. There will be a pony wall on the left to keep toys (and children) from falling. The stairs will start on the left and end between the chases.
This photo was taken on the second story in the loft. That's the framed out closet that can one day be a bathroom. We're close to being ready for mechanical. Exciting.

Mom and Dad are super busy choosing the rest of the light fixtures and plumbing fixtures. They're also working on paint colors and flooring for upstairs.
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. See the link below for more info.